Sunday, September 23, 2007


Please excuse my French, but BULLSHIT! Once again I was perusing the Web for interesting Drifting stuff and I stumbled upon a few different sites--sites with info that is completely WRONG! I have been trying to keep my Blog honest and PC, but I am just going to have to face the truth that those things don't make a successful Blog. So from here on out, I am not only going to post the facts about Drifting, I am going to do it the way I want. If you don't like it, go read some of the B.S. from the other blogs out there--enjoy, there is plenty of it.

First and foremost, I have to say that 99% of what you read, in magazines, books and Blogs has no basis in reality. I wrote How To Drift to try and dispel many of the myths associated with Drifting, but people would rather read some 15-year-old kids Blog-rant about how he can beat Ryhs Millen in a drifting contest--Okay dude.

What gets me is that when you Google Drifting, Drifting Book or How To Drift, the first thing you get is this incorrect crap. You know, just because you are a good Blogger and know how to tweak Technoratti, does not mean you have the first clue about Drifting--do some research and stop assuming so much.

With this I am going to make a bold statement: The ONLY technically accurate information about Drifting is in my book, How to Drift: The Art of Oversteer. If anyone has a problem with that, go ahead, Prove me wrong, I DARE YOU!

From here on out you are going to see some actual facts on Drifting and the pure B.S. that is to be found on the Web. I AM CALLING YOU OUT!

Until next time, buy the book, and actually read it.

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